A mapfile whose factors table contains the following fields. betweenness: the number of paths going through the factor. betweenness_rank: the rank of the betweenness. in_degree: the number of incoming links. out_degree: the number of outgoing links. role: the number of incoming links minus the number of incoming links. High values are drivers, low values are outcomes frequency: the number of links. driver_score: how strongly is this factor a driver? outcome_score: how strongly is this factor an outcome? driver_rank: rank of driver_score. outcome_rank: rank of outcome_score. is_opposable: does the factor label contain a ~. zoom_level: number of ; separators in factor label, plus 1. top_level_label: the label of the factor's ultimate parent in the hierarchy, if any. top_level_frequency: the number of links to and from the top level factor.