Merge statements into links
- graf
A mapfile representing a causal map. A mapfile is a tidygraph, which consists of a table of edges linked to a table of nodes, with an optional additional table of statements. In this package, nodes are called `factors` and edges are called `links.`
cashTransferMap %>% pipe_merge_statements() %>% pipe_find_links(field="text",value="women",operator="contains")
#> make info
#> Warning: deprecated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#> Error in graf$questions %>% { if (is.null(.)) NULL else { if (filter) filter(., question_id %in% statements_table(graf)$question_id) else . }}: object 'cashTransferMap' not found
cashTransferMap %>% pipe_find_statements(field="text",value="women",operator="contains")
#> make info
#> Error in make_info(graf, as.list( object 'cashTransferMap' not found