Update map
#' Merge map
#' @inheritParams parse_commands
#' @param graf
#' @param path
#' @description This also has a wrapper, pipe_merge_mapfile
#' @return A tidy map. The column *_map_id is set to reflect the id of the map.
#' @export
#' @examples
merge_mapfile <- function(graf,graf2){
# browser()
map2 <- graf2 #%>% pipe_clean_map() # clean map will put the important vars to integer.
graf <- graf #%>% pipe_clean_map() #
maxid <- max(as.numeric(graf$factors$factor_id))
maxmapid <- max(as.numeric(graf$factors$factor_map_id))
factors=graf$factors %>% bind_rows_safe(map2$factors %>% mutate(factor_map_id=maxmapid+1) %>% mutate(factor_id=factor_id+maxid)),
links=graf$links %>% bind_rows_safe(map2$links %>% mutate(link_map_id=maxmapid+1) %>% mutate(from=from+maxid,to=to+maxid)),
statements=graf$statements %>% bind_rows_safe(map2$statements %>% mutate(statement_map_id=maxmapid+1)),
sources=graf$sources %>% bind_rows_safe(map2$sources %>% mutate(source_map_id=maxmapid+1)),
questions=graf$questions %>% bind_rows_safe(map2$questions %>% mutate(question_map_id=maxmapid+1)),
settings=graf$settings %>% bind_rows_safe(map2$settings %>% mutate(setting_map_id=maxmapid+1))
# %>%
# pipe_clean_map(tables=.)